photo ABOUT.png photo FASHION.png photo EATING-SEASONALLY.png photo LETTERPRESS.png photo PHOTOBUCKET.png photo DC-LOVE.png photo contact-53.png

we built this city

i love giving gifts.

my sister-in-law* just had a birthday last weekend. so i did what any normal psycho person would do and pin-stalked her to get some ideas.

we'd gone to san francisco with them earlier in the year, so when i saw she'd pinned this guy:

buy here

i knew what one of her presents had to be.

it's created by ork posters, makers of "the most beautiful city neighborhood posters in the whole wide world," according to their website.

but they are pretty, aren't they?

buy here
buy here
buy here
buy here

the boy bought the dc one for me when we were living in our dupont studio.** aww

there's lots of other cities and boroughs to choose from, too.

plus, they make posters like this heart one:

buy here

pretty sweet stuff, right?

and i love showing some city pride.
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*ok technically, my sister-in-law-to-be but that's just an inordinate amount of hyphens, no?

**i thought i had some pictures of that space that i could share, but i'm having a bit of trouble finding them. i'll throw them up here if i ever do.

when in doubt

cooking with turnips at home was a new thing for me.

but when i saw them at the market this weekend all purple and crazy looking, i thought about giving them a go.

and when in doubt?

roast it*

that's my move anyways.

i cubed, oiled, salted, and peppered these guys. then, i put them in a 425-degree oven for about 12 minutes. 

just until they got fork tender.

but hey, i hear turnips also make a mean gratin.

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since spring and summer will be here (!) before you know it, check out some other ways to eat seasonally

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*i'm kind of in a roasting rut and for next month, i'm challenging myself to attempt something new. exciting, yes?

save that date

two shots of the save-the-dates i created using the stamps and glitter tape. that picture of them isn't the best quality, but i've mailed them all now so that's all i got. 

also, my hand may be permanently gnarled (tip of the hat to all you professional calligraphers out there!) from addressing them all by hand, but i think it was worth it.

invitations next!

potw: let's eat

via lovely stationery

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so we had a blast in charleston visiting my parents in december.

and a definite high point of that trip was our meal at FIG.

and for me, i know a meal is yummy when i don't even bust out my camera to snap a picture of it. bc that's what happened at FIG. ate it all without even one megapixel to prove it.

i noticed something else cool when i was there:
the menus (that changes almost daily) were made using letterpress techniques.

they flat print the daily food offerings but the top of the menu stays all pretty and letterpressed. 

FIG's menus are the beautiful work of stitch design company. and i love that they thought of everything: all the way down to paper circles to cover the butter.

see more here.

go on, take a peek. . .

weekend stuff

at eastern market with the boy and the fam

behind the scenes at eastern market to meet with wedding peeps

sunny capitol hill

yellow paint on a sunny sunday
for a new project | more to come

only three salted caramels left

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so this weekend was pretty good.

hung out with my future sister-in-law for her bday, got some projects done around the house and, with the help of the boy and my sister, polished off a full pound of salted caramels from the caramel jar.

i laughed a little when the big ol' mason jar arrived in the mail with the warning 'best when eaten within seven days'

'there's no way we'll finish that,' i thought.


well, who knew they would be the best thing i've ever eaten. in my life.

buy some here.

hope your week's off to a fun start.

love for the city

happy happy friday, everyone.

i thought i'd end our week together by introducing a new column today.

i love dc. the food, the mildish winter weather we have, the stunning rowhouses, our screwy traffic grid ([most]state name streets run diagonal!), our (mostly) free museums and galleries, marriage equality, the diversity of people and neighborhoods. 

i'm all in.

so this new recurring column will showcase my deep love for this pretty city.

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today, i have a series of call box pictures for you. 

i love these little guys. 

they're not in use anymore but they're still all over the city. i've been taking pictures of them for years and wanted to share a few. 

i love how each neighborhood's call boxes are just a little different. and you should see how excited i get when i stumble across a color combo or design i haven't seen yet.


aren't they great?
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here's to a fantastic weekend!

the plaid barn

i have something fun to share this grey (but warm!) february friday.

we all love gilt, right? high-end fashions for near-j. crew prices?

you betcha.

now there's something similar for crafts.

(so glad someone thought of this!)

anyways, the plaid barn has daily deals that start at 8 a.m.

today, divine twine was up there.

i snagged the yellow one.

it normally sells for about $15 but i got mine for five bucks off. you can too by signing up to be a member.

sweet stuff.

the deals continue until the product is out of stock.

here's some other things they had on sale recently:

chalkboard labels
colorful gift tags
earring supplies (63% off!)
kraft paper seals

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most crafting supplies are fairly cheap already but i can't resist a good sale!

if you want in on the deals, head over here and submit your e-mail address.

have fun crafting on the cheap!


i found a new shop to love.

a new place to score cool finds for your home, office, or body.*

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lemme introduce you to the curiosity shoppe.

or maybe you already know about them?

either way, after a quick peek around their site, i'm already in trouble. 

buy here

buy here

buy here

buy here

that tote! gah! adorable.

and there's so much more to love on their site

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so happy that i have a new place to go to find (even more) stuff for the house.


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*ok that sounded weird but they sell jewelry, too.

in the trenches

trench coats.

very necessary for the upcoming spring months. i have a classic trench (khaki, buttons, belt) with a pretty striped lining (so crucial) that i wear to DEATH when the temps are mild.

these days, there's many options for trench coats. and you'd be the cutest lady around with that polka dot one!

via polyvore

do you own one? 

if not, it's high time...

it'll become your go-to outerwear for spring in no time.

potw: handsome correspondence

personalized stationery is always so nice to have on hand.

you never know when you'll need it -- but when you do, you'll be glad you have it.

here are some that i enjoy very much.

personalized letterpress notecards by honizukle

custom letterpress stationery set by seaborn press
personalized letterpress stationery by in haus press

also love this one with a bit more whimsy (also by in haus.)

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these simple, modern designs would make a great gift for yourself or for a lucky friend. 

have you ordered custom stationery before? 

i'd love to hear about your favorite place to buy it!

weekend away

on the way to the country aka Land of No Internet
yellow skis
up the lift | scared of heights
so ready for a beer break in the lodge
reunited with luce! | playing fetch as usual

i'm so sore from skiing.

and maybe next year, i'll make it off the bunny slopes.

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it's so good to be back. there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed.

hope your weekend was awesome.

outpost post

outpost was amazing.

i wanted to bring everything home. 

instead, we held back and ended up taking home these fine things (and that yellow #3 sign you see up there)

also bought this chalkboard tablet from peg & awl.

they focus on using found/reclaimed items and giving them new life.

you know i love lists, right? so now this guy is hanging in our kitchen. it holds our grocery store needs for the week. can't handle the cuteness.

grab your own, here.

i'm dying over their letterpress tags (and all the information they provide about where the wood was from. aw)

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it was a gloomy, rainy february day.

but since the boy went to school in philly (go owls!), we decided to spend the day there and take in the city.

had some yummy lunch at good dog

we also hit up the art museum to get our culture on.

we had an awesome day.

are you planning any day trips soon?

i'm heading to west virginia this weekend with the boy's family to go skiing. now, i didn't grow up skiing. we always lived in the southeastern part of the country. 

last year was my first experience with that horrific challenging activity. so a ski vacation for me means i'll ski for two seconds and then stomp over to the lodge to find some alcoholic beverages.

enjoy your weekend!