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the plaid barn

i have something fun to share this grey (but warm!) february friday.

we all love gilt, right? high-end fashions for near-j. crew prices?

you betcha.

now there's something similar for crafts.

(so glad someone thought of this!)

anyways, the plaid barn has daily deals that start at 8 a.m.

today, divine twine was up there.

i snagged the yellow one.

it normally sells for about $15 but i got mine for five bucks off. you can too by signing up to be a member.

sweet stuff.

the deals continue until the product is out of stock.

here's some other things they had on sale recently:

chalkboard labels
colorful gift tags
earring supplies (63% off!)
kraft paper seals

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most crafting supplies are fairly cheap already but i can't resist a good sale!

if you want in on the deals, head over here and submit your e-mail address.

have fun crafting on the cheap!

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