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flip it good

if you have an iphone and a twitter account, this post is for you.

i've tweeted about how cool twitter looks using the flipboard app, but i thought a few visuals would really make my point for me.

normally when someone puts up an instagram image, you have to wait for it to open in a separate window. but i've never been good with patience, especially online. with the flipboard app, you can see both the caption and the picture at the same time. 

here's an example of that:

and another example...

i also reeeeallllly like how it shows you a preview of a website that they're linking to in a tweet.

kinda lets you know if it's worth clicking on.

like so...

regular tweets with no links just show up like normal. 

most of the time there's two or three on a screen at a time, but every once in a while, it singles one out. 

i think it looks pretty neat.

 even when i'm online for fun, i'm all about efficiency and speed.

and flipboard provides that, all in a well-designed, free app.

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