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freaking cool

i go through stages with earrings. i used to be all about stud earrings (the bigger the better!) and then some dangly ones caught my eye

as i was getting dressed for work the other day, i realized that it might be time to add a few new ones to my collection. a lot of the ones i purchased from j crew have fallen apart (GREAT QUALITY GUYS!) and i've managed to lose a few pairs here and there. 

the earrings i have my eye on these days are the best of both (all?) worlds: large, clustery and a little bit funky. i especially like the ones that sit on the lobe in a different way.

see what you think, below. 

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5| 6 | 7 | 8

OF COURSE the ones i like the best are the most expensive. 

but any one of these guys would be a welcome addition. 

potw: hilarious

i've posted about all kinds of different letterpress cards, colors and printing treatments over the years, but i've never tipped my hat to the more lighthearted ones.

and these are just a sampling of what's out there.

it's monday and if you're in the dc area, you're probably melting away, so i thought a little humor would be just the thing. 

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those arrested development ones are killing me. 

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looking for more letterpress goods? check out my press of the week series 
here. a new potw is posted (almost) every monday. but you can always find the latest by following me on twitter